Planning Agenda June 2020

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Chairman:   Councillor TA Jones                                                 Mr. PG Davies, ACIS, DMA [Parish Clerk]

25 Kingsley Wood Road                                                       37 Leofric Close

Rugeley                                                                   Kings Bromley

Staffordshire                                                            Burton-on-Trent

WS15 2UF                                                               DE13 7JP

[Tel: 01543-472762] [e-mail:] [Please reply to the Clerk]


Date:  26th May 2020


Dear Councillor


Planning Committee


You are requested to attend a virtual meeting of the Planning Committee to be held on-line on Tuesday, 2nd June 2020, at 7.30 pm.


Yours faithfully




PG Davies

Parish Clerk


To:          The Chairman and Members of the Planning Committee

Councillors:-    TA Jones [Chairman]

PA Fisher

Mrs W Fisher

JC Harvey

DR Johnson

GN Molineux





  1. Appointment of Chairman


To consider whether to appoint a Chairman at this meeting or to retain the status quo                    and defer the decision until the meeting in May 2021.


  1. Declarations of Interest


  1. Apologies


  1. Appointment of Vice-Chairman


To consider whether to appoint a Vice-Chairman at this meeting or to retain the status                   quo and defer the decision until the meeting in May 2021.


  1. Minutes


To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd March 2020 [copy attached].





  1. Planning Decision(s)


The Clerk will report on planning decisions received since the last meeting.  Copies of these decisions have previously been circulated to Membersl


  1. Planning Application(s)


[A]  Since the last meeting, the following comments have been submitted to the District                Council in respect of the planning applications listed below:-



Proposed Development: Resubmission of CH/19/392 – design and construction of 1 x                  No. detached 4 bed dwelling and associated parking – AMENDED PLANS

Land adjacent to 2 Ashtree Bank, Rugeley, WS15 1HN.


The Parish Council’s earlier objection stands.



Proposed Development: Erection of B1/B2/B8 units

Land off Power Station Road, Rugeley.


No comments were submitted on this planning application.



Proposed Development: Subdivision of existing dwellinghouse to create 1 no. two-                        bedroomed dwellinghouse

55 Redbrook Lane, Rugeley, WS15 1AA.


No objection subject to a condition against working and deliveries at night and on              Sundays, Bank Holidays, Public Holidays and Saturday afternoons.


[Councillor PA Fisher declared a personal interest in this item and took no part in the                     decision thereon.]



Proposed Development: Single storey side extension

18 Lea Hall Lane, Brereton, Rugeley, WS15 1HX.


No objection subject to a condition against working and deliveries at night and on              Sundays, Bank Holidays, Public Holidays and Saturday afternoons, since this is in a                 residential area.



Proposed Development: Erection of a stable building and construction of horse                             exercise arena – AMENDED SITE PLAN

Land off Colliery Road, Brereton, Rugeley.


“The Parish Council wish to confirm its original objection to this planning application                      and add the following:-


  1. We share the concerns of Cannock Chase AONB partnership.
  2. The area of hardstanding shown is much greater than needed for stables.
  3. The proposal would be overdevelopment on land that is both Green Belt and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
  4. The likelihood is that this is a precursor to an application for a caravan or a mobile            home to “look after” the horses.
  5. The proposal will not preserve the openness of the Green Belt.



  1. The proposal is not sensitive to the distinctive character of the landscape in its vicinity.”




That the action taken be approved and confirmed.


[B]  To consider the following planning applications, details of which have been previously circulated:-


  1. CH/19/201

Rugeley Power Station, Power Station Road, including the email from Rugeley     Town Council dated 21st May 2020 [copy previously circulated].


  1. CH/20/162

Prior notification of a larger home extension – single storey rear extension [5m]

27 Leasowe Road, Brereton.


  1. CH/20/163

Two storey side extension to create ground floor [undercroft] car parking and        first floor office

JFE Attridge Scaffolding, The Levels.