Chairman: Councillor TA Jones Mr. PG Davies, ACIS, DMA [Parish Clerk]
25 Kingsley Wood Road 37 Leofric Close
Rugeley Kings Bromley
Staffordshire Burton-on-Trent
WS15 2UF DE13 7JP
[Tel: 01543-472762] [e-mail:] [Please reply to the Clerk]
Date: 26th May 2020
Dear Councillor
Planning Committee
You are requested to attend a virtual meeting of the Planning Committee to be held on-line on Tuesday, 2nd June 2020, at 7.30 pm.
Yours faithfully
PG Davies
Parish Clerk
To: The Chairman and Members of the Planning Committee
Councillors:- TA Jones [Chairman]
PA Fisher
Mrs W Fisher
JC Harvey
DR Johnson
GN Molineux
- Appointment of Chairman
To consider whether to appoint a Chairman at this meeting or to retain the status quo and defer the decision until the meeting in May 2021.
- Declarations of Interest
- Apologies
- Appointment of Vice-Chairman
To consider whether to appoint a Vice-Chairman at this meeting or to retain the status quo and defer the decision until the meeting in May 2021.
- Minutes
To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd March 2020 [copy attached].
- Planning Decision(s)
The Clerk will report on planning decisions received since the last meeting. Copies of these decisions have previously been circulated to Membersl
- Planning Application(s)
[A] Since the last meeting, the following comments have been submitted to the District Council in respect of the planning applications listed below:-
Proposed Development: Resubmission of CH/19/392 – design and construction of 1 x No. detached 4 bed dwelling and associated parking – AMENDED PLANS
Land adjacent to 2 Ashtree Bank, Rugeley, WS15 1HN.
The Parish Council’s earlier objection stands.
Proposed Development: Erection of B1/B2/B8 units
Land off Power Station Road, Rugeley.
No comments were submitted on this planning application.
Proposed Development: Subdivision of existing dwellinghouse to create 1 no. two- bedroomed dwellinghouse
55 Redbrook Lane, Rugeley, WS15 1AA.
No objection subject to a condition against working and deliveries at night and on Sundays, Bank Holidays, Public Holidays and Saturday afternoons.
[Councillor PA Fisher declared a personal interest in this item and took no part in the decision thereon.]
Proposed Development: Single storey side extension
18 Lea Hall Lane, Brereton, Rugeley, WS15 1HX.
No objection subject to a condition against working and deliveries at night and on Sundays, Bank Holidays, Public Holidays and Saturday afternoons, since this is in a residential area.
Proposed Development: Erection of a stable building and construction of horse exercise arena – AMENDED SITE PLAN
Land off Colliery Road, Brereton, Rugeley.
“The Parish Council wish to confirm its original objection to this planning application and add the following:-
- We share the concerns of Cannock Chase AONB partnership.
- The area of hardstanding shown is much greater than needed for stables.
- The proposal would be overdevelopment on land that is both Green Belt and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
- The likelihood is that this is a precursor to an application for a caravan or a mobile home to “look after” the horses.
- The proposal will not preserve the openness of the Green Belt.
- The proposal is not sensitive to the distinctive character of the landscape in its vicinity.”
That the action taken be approved and confirmed.
[B] To consider the following planning applications, details of which have been previously circulated:-
- CH/19/201
Rugeley Power Station, Power Station Road, including the email from Rugeley Town Council dated 21st May 2020 [copy previously circulated].
- CH/20/162
Prior notification of a larger home extension – single storey rear extension [5m]
27 Leasowe Road, Brereton.
- CH/20/163
Two storey side extension to create ground floor [undercroft] car parking and first floor office
JFE Attridge Scaffolding, The Levels.