Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Hall and Property Management Committee held at the Parish Hall, Ravenhill Park, Brereton, on Thursday, 3rd June 2021.
Alderman R Easton [Chairman], Councillors K Ansell, Mrs P Ansell, Mrs DM Easton, Mrs G Harvey and Mr JC Harvey.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors DR Johnson and Mrs L Johnson.
Mrs R Davies was also present.
No declarations of interest were given at the commencement of the meeting.
That the minutes of the meeting held on 5th May 2021, be approved and signed as a correct record.
- Vandalism
The Committee noted that the Police would not release the name and address of the youth responsible for causing the damage to the Heritage Sign.
The Committee suggested that a letter be sent to the youth’s parents, via the Police, asking for reimbursement for the damage caused to the sign.
- Hire Fees
The Committee noted the amount of hire fees received during this financial year [April/May].
It was brought to the attention of the Committee that the following hirers would not be continuing with their bookings:-
– Sazzlestick Fitness
– Winchmore Tutors
Winchmore Tutors had complained about too much background noise as the reason for not carrying on with their booking. They were offered alternative days and times but these were not deemed to be suitable.
Alderman Easton then shared with the Committee the effort that Katie from Twinkletoes had put in to keep her class going during the Covid lockdown and requested that a letter be sent to Katie [Twinkletoes] to thank her for her continued support throughout the Covid crisis.
Hire fees were then considered by the Committee.
- That no change be made to the current level of hire fees but that the matter be reviewed in January 2022.
- That the current discount applied to regular users continue until 31st August 2021, when the situation would be reviewed.
- That a letter of thanks be sent to Katie Potter [Twinkletoes].
- Planters
The Committee discussed the situation with regard to the planters, to be sited outside the Hall near to the entrance.
Councillor John Harvey was asked to bring costings for the construction of the planters to the next meeting of the Committee in July. Regarding the actual planting, it was suggested
that the allotment holders in Newmans Grove might like to offer assistance with the planting out.
- Telephones
The Chairman updated the Committee on the new telephone system for the Parish Hall which would be operational via the internet. He stated that once the system was up and running, it would prove to be very efficient.
There had been a slight delay in preparing the Facebook page with photographs of the facilities available at the Parish Hall. The matter was in hand and would be done as soon as it was possible. Councillor Mrs L Johnson would liaise with the Caretaker.
The Committee noted that the allotments holders had not yet responded to the request for information as outlined in minute 6 of the last meeting.
That the Clerk be asked to send a reminder letter to Mr J Cusack asking for a response as soon as possible.
That the next meeting be held on 15th July 2021, at 7.30 p.m.
_____________________ [Chairman]