Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Hall and Property Management Committee held at the Parish Hall, Ravenhill Park, Brereton, on Wednesday, 17th July 2019.
Councillors R Easton [Chairman], Mrs DM Easton, Mrs G Harvey, JC Harvey and DR Johnson.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors K Ansell and Mrs P Ansell.
Mr PG Davies [Parish Clerk] was also present.
No declarations of interest were given at the commencement of the meeting.
That the minutes of the meeting held on 5th June 2019, be approved and signed as a correct record.
- Hire Fee Income – Update
The Committee noted details of hire fee income for the month of June 2019 as compared with the same period the previous year.
The Clerk also updated the Committee on the amount available in the Kitchen Fund.
- Conditions of Hire
That the updated conditions of hire, as circulated by the Clerk, be approved and adopted.
- New Chairs in the Conference Room
The Committee placed on record its thanks to the Chairman for arranging for the purchase and delivery of new chairs for the Conference Room. All concurred that the chairs had enhanced the appearance of the room.
- Fire Report
The Clerk updated Members on a report from the Fire Service following a recent visit to the Parish Hall.
That the Clerk liaise with Fire Equipment Services in updating the fire risk document.
- Drop Mats for Marshall Arts Groups
That the Committee agree to authorise the purchase of drop mats up to a sum of £200.00.
The Chairman welcomed Karen Mann and Mark Keeling to the meeting.
The Committee noted that Brereton Million had agreed to allocate £49,000.00 [including VAT] for the replacement of ten shelters. In addition, they would make available £2,500.00 for future maintenance.
A discussion ensued on the various options on future maintenance payments, including the possibility of a one-off payment of £4,000.00 or a sum of £2,500.00 for the first five years, after which the situation would be reviewed. Karen Mann undertook to report back to Brereton Million on these various options, after which she would update the Parish Council accordingly.
Mr Keeling noted a request from the Chairman for one of the shelters to be re-located in either Redbrook Lane or Setterfield Way to replace one of the Parish Council’s shelters. He undertook to investigate whether this would be possible.
The Committee expressed its thanks to Karen for offering to provide two planters to be sited either side of the main entrance to the Parish Hall.
The Chairman thanked both Karen Mann and Mark Keeling for attending the meeting.
That the Parish Council agree, in principle, to accept ownership of the ten new shelters subject to final agreement on the maintenance arrangements.
The Committee took the opportunity to raise the following highway matters with Mark Keeling:-
- parking on footpaths – Cherry Tree Road;
- cutting back of trees in Cherry Tree Road;
- provision of bollards – Lodge Road;
- traffic issues at the top of Birch Lane which had been ;previously drawn to the attention of the County Council on several occasions;
- plastic bollard again damaged – Redbrook Lane/Main Road
Mr Keeling noted these various matters and undertook to report back to the Parish Council in due course. He also indicated that the County Council would have no objection to the Parish Council clearing overgrown bushes and trees at The Laurels.
- Security Light
One security light had been provided at the allotments. If it proved to enhance security, up to two further lights would be purchased.
- Skip
The Committee could not accede to a request from the allotment holders for the Parish Council to provide a skip.
The Report of the Clerk showing the income and expenditure for the Parish Hall as at 17th July 2019, was received and noted.
That the next meeting be held on 4th September 2019, at 7.30 p.m.